Publisher: HarperTeen, 2014
385 pages, Paperback
Source: Purchased through BookDepository
Synopsis (from Goodreads):
Embrace the Forbidden.
What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences?
This is the reality for sons and daughters of fallen angels. Tenderhearted Southern girl Anna Whitt was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people. She's aware of a struggle within herself, an inexplicable pull toward danger, but it isn't until she turns sixteen and meets the alluring Kaidan Rowe that she discovers her terrifying heritage and her willpower is put on the test. He's the boy your daddy warned you about. If only someone had warned Anna.
Forced to face her destiny, will Anna embrace her halo or her horns?
My Review:
This book was addicting. I couldn't put the bloody thing down, I was hooked from page one. This book will have your heart racing and sitting on the edge of your seat.
I was so irrevocably in love with all the characters. The characters to me are what made this book so damn great. I loved each and every single one of them. You have your main character Anna, who knows that she has special abilities, but doesn't exactly understand them or know why she even has them. As she tries to understand what is happening to her and who she really is, she meets Kaiden Rowe. He seems to have all the answers. Their relationship was so much fun to read. At first Anna finds him so attractive, and then the next she couldn't stand him. Kaiden was very blunt with Anna. He didn't pretend to be someone he was so not and didn't sugar coat bloody anything. How could you not fall for him? I really thought after their first meeting that the story would jump into an insta-boom-love and I would really be annoyed by Kaiden and Anna's relationship, but it was far from it.
Later in the story you meet four other character who are just like Kaiden and Anna. I thought it would be a little hard to keep up with all the new characters, but it really wasn't. Higgins did such an awesome job bringing each individual character to life. She also has a way with words when it comes to descriptions. I was easily able to picture certain parts of the book and get a feel for every emotion Anna experienced. I cannot forget about Anna's father. As a romance addict, I would love to read a story about him and his love for Anna's mother.
I really loved the book. I jumped into it expecting it to go in so many different directions and was taken by surprise at every turn and twist. The story Higgins delivered is so refreshing and unique, it was exactly what I wanted!!!!!
My Rating:
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