Rapture (Fallen #4) by Lauren Kate
Publisher: Doubleday; 2012
464 pages, Paperback
Source: Purchased through Dymocks
Synopsis (from Goodreads):
The sky is dark with wings...
And time is running out for Luce and Daniel.
In order to stop Lucifer from erasing the past, they must find the place where the Fall began. Only Luce can break the curse, and its is her choice alone that will decide all of their fates.
But as Dark Forces gather, great sacrifices will have to be made in this final, epic struggle...
In the fight for Luce and for Love, who will win?
The astonishing conclusion to the FALLEN series. Heaven can't wait any longer.
My Review:
If there is any epic love story, then it could be one from Luce and Daniel. Fallen was one of the first books I read after Twilight and I loved the series some stages the books need work but overall it was good. Funny enough enough I fell in love with Daniel the minute he flipped Luce off when they first met in Fallen at Swords & Cross school. This series broke my heart , I cried and I swooned so many times I literately lost count. Finally with Rapture we all get the closure we are all looking for. We had a wonderful time together.
Last books are always hard. There are so many loose questions that now finally need to come to an end so that the reader gets closure, so that we can finish this series and feel satisfied. Lauren Kate gave us all this – she went beyond from what I first expected when I picked Fallen up a few years ago. The mythology behind Daniel’s and Luce’s love story was so incredible and epically heartbreaking. During every book throughout the series we learned more and more, new layers and mysteries were revealed and each left us breathless with the enormity of this epic love story.
Rapture indeed gave us so many answers and went even beyond about what I imaged. We finally get to the bottom, to the very beginning of Daniel and Luce’s tale. How they fell in love and the background of their love and also of their curse. Discovering and getting all those answers was thrilling and exciting. I was speechless and astonished by the sheer enormity of this story. Never, did I imagine what was finally revealed. The whole series slowly builds to this final showdown and.. it was well worth the ride and the tears!
This story is all about love. Sure, there is the Angel and the Fall of the Angels mythology but in the end it’s a love story. Readers whit a deep affection for epic love stories need to read these books. A Love that spans million of years and countless lifetimes. Lovers that find each other anywhere and anytime is truly the most heartbreaking and heart melting story to tell. In Rapture this love finally is judged and we are on edge the whole time, dreading the final outcome….
In Rapture brings Lauren Kate the epic tale of love to a breathtaking ending. Some twists I suspected, some totally took me by surprise. However, Rapture was a fitting ending to an beautifully woven love story that is beyond everything I read before … I’m glad and sad its over! This was an emotional roller coaster and my heart needed Luce and Daniel story to come to and end, I was ready.
My Rating:
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