The Liebster rules are thus:
Link and thank those who nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions posed to you, list 11 facts about yourself, nominate 11 bloggers and ask them 11 questions.
Inform them of nomination by commenting on one of their posts.
Thank you Nikki @ Love at first write for my first nomination! I have been really busy catching up with all my reviews. But I totally appreciate my first ever nomination!!
Questions Answered
1. Scariest moment in a book you've read?
Wow I this one is making me think real hard, I found one Entice (the Violet Eden Chapters #2) by Jessica Shirvington Chapter 31 - The main character Violet is dying again due to old wounds caused by an exile angel and another exile angel healed but he took away the healing.
2. Do you currently have a book checked out at the library?
Yes I do. It is Heavenly Fire
3. Have your reading habits changed since you started blogging?
Yes, because I am reading more then I was before I started blogging.
4. Do you ever dog-ear books?
I do not know what that is.
5. Favorite reading snack?
Yes, Lolliepops and chips
6. What's the weirdest book you've ever read?
Uhm I forgot the name of the book but it was about a gay couple (Males), that is the weirdest thing I have ever read.
7. Favorite fictional Villain?
That would have to be Eryx from the Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax.
8. Any books that you've been avoiding?
Yes, I but I cant name any of them from the top of my head
9. Do you own any pets?
No she died when I 13 and we haven't had a pet since.
10. Do your friends come to you for recommendations?
No my friends don't like reading.
11. Least favorite series?
At the moment its the storm MC series by Nina Levine but really its just one book from this series.
11 Random Facts
1. Randomly take photos of peoples feet.
2. Husky's are my all time fav breed of dogs.
3. I love tv series anime
4. Hate snakes and spiders (Small or Big)
5. Bestest season is SUMMER!!!
6. Hate getting all dolled up to go out
7. Can't walk in heels.
8. Never broken a bone in my body.
9. New Zealand born and breed.
10. Going to England for the Rugby world cup.
11. Graduated high school and university.
Nominee Questions?
1. What is your all time favorite book?
2. Who are your top 3 book boyfriends?
3. Print or Ebook
4. What book do you think should be put into a movie?
5. What book character do you relate to best?
6. Home cooked meal or takeaways
7. Are you organised?
8. What is your favorite author?
9. Who's your favorite disney charcter
10. What is our far book movie?
11. What is it that older teenagers find alluring about immortal men?
My Nominees
1. Rachel @ Rachels Reading Corner
2. Jess and Kell @ A Cup of Tea & A Big Book
3. Miss Mimz @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews
4. Noelia Alonso @ A Day in Bookland
5. Batch of Books @ Batch of Books
6. Cat @ Addicted2Heroines
7. Tiffany York @ Beneath the Jacket
8. Felicia @ a silly girl's thoughts
9. Mary @ BookHounds YA
10. Aimee @ Deadly Darlings
11. Melissa @ In a bookish world
Thanks for the nomination! I am honoured. I'll come back here and comment when I get my post about this up. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteRachel @ Rachel's Reading Corner
your welcome its marlleyy from goodreads btw. Lols
DeleteThank you for nominating me!! I'll do this as soon as possible ;) ♥♥
ReplyDeleteIt sucks when your friends don't read, that's why I love blogging so much! And yes, Huskys for the win! I love how wolfy they look ^^
ReplyDeleteI can't walk in heels either haha
Since I was nominated a while ago and already did my post I'm gonna answer your questions here =)
1. Harry Potter
2. Only three? Well, I have to say: Will Herondale, Adrian Ivashkov and... Simon Lewis
3. Print books. I can't stand e-books
4. To be honest, I'm really tired of seeing all these books I love coming to life in a movie because most of the time they are horribly adapted and is insulting to the fans.
5. There is many but one that comes to my mind is Holden Caufield from The Catcher in the Rye
6. Home cooked meal but I love takeaways from time to time
7. I'm a walking mess hahaha
8. J. K. Rowling (there are many more, but she wins!)
9. It has to be Merida from Brave
10. You mean my favourite book to movie adaptation? Oh, well... this is hard so I'm gonna tell you the one I most recently loved: The Book Thief
11. I have no clue. Immortal men are not really appealing to me, but then again, I'm no longer a teenager hahaha
Thanks a lot :D !
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm SO late for doing this! It'll be up soon, I promise! (Maybe not 'soon', but I have made it, so it's ready to be published when it's timed to be!)
- Love, Felicia
( http://asillygirlsthoughts.weebly.com/ )