Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press, 2014
204 pages, paperback
Source: Netgalley
Synopsis (from Goodreads):
Recruited at his death to be a Protector of the Night, seventeen-year-old Daniel Graham has spent two-hundred years fighting Nightmares and guarding humans from the clawed, red-eyed creatures that feed off people’s fears. Each night, he risks his eternal life, having given up his chance at an afterlife when he chose to become a Protector. That doesn’t stop a burnt-out Daniel from risking daring maneuvers during each battle. He’s become one of the best, but he wants nothing more than to stop.
Then he’s given an assignment to watch over sixteen-year-old Kayla Bartlett, a clinically depressed patient in a psychiatric ward. Nightmares love a human with a tortured past. Yet, when they take a deep interest in her, appearing in unprecedented numbers, the job becomes more dangerous than any Daniel’s ever experienced. He fights ruthlessly to keep the Nightmares from overwhelming his team and Kayla. Soon, Daniel finds himself watching over Kayla during the day, drawn to why she’s different, and what it is about her that attracts the Nightmares. And him.
A vicious attack on Kayla forces Daniel to break the first Law and reveal his identity. Driven by his growing feelings for her, he whisks her away to Rome where others like him can keep her safe. Under their roof, the Protectors discover what Kayla is and why someone who can manipulate Nightmares has her in his sights. But before they can make a move, the Protectors are betrayed and Kayla is kidnapped. Daniel will stop at nothing to save her. Even if it means giving up his immortality.
My Review:
Catch Me When I fall is narrated by Daniel, a 17 year old boy, but he is not a normal 17 year old boy, he died in 1827. For the past 200 years, Daniel has been spending his nights in battles, as a Dreamcatcher, and that means Daniel fights off nightmares from digging into human’s dreams. No, he is not a ghost, he has been given a second life and he can still die and he would just end up in a black void, cease to exist. Daniel has grown a bit tired of fighting these nightmares, he is too burnt out, but things change when he is given a new charge after his current charge passes away.
Kalya is a depressed 16 year old who resides in a mental ward, and this is Daniel’s new charge! There’s something about Kalya that drew Daniel to her and he has never felt this way about anyone before and the nightmares seem to love her too. Daniel will stop at nothing to figure out why the nightmares love her so much and will do anything to protect her, including reveling himself to her.
This was a great book about good vs evil, both Dreamcatchers and Dreamwears would work together to stop the nightmares. I loved how the nightmares were played like a movie as the dreams were, but instead they were creatures. An example of what a nightmare could look like is; a scaly humanoid body, red eyes, and point claws, but all nightmares looked differently.
The story line wasn’t predicable either; there were so many different twists that kept the read interesting! The story also painted a great picture and made me use my imagination, which I love to do!
My Rating:
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